Page 7 - Bulletin_8.indd
P. 7


           Unity and Islam                       tolerance,    self-confidence,    and Islam is rational and
                                                 appreciation of others and        feasible enough in applying the
           1.  Islamic  finance  embraces  that   managing  differences  justly.   multidimensional  approaches
               money or wealth is the foundation   The moderation is the life style   to  address  the  problem  in this
               of  life.  It enforces real  economic   that promotes unity in diversity   society.
               activities rather than assumption,   and now, facing the super-
               synthetic or speculation. It also   diversity through globalization,   4.  Legislators must be aware and
               ensure the distribution is just and   moderation  is  the  Islamic  work  closely  with  the  Judiciary
               fair. The inclusiveness elements   attribution in the term of       to review the Family law that
               in the Islamic Finance allow      wasatiyah as a way to preserve    could help improve the provisions
               partnership to include non-       peace and harmony.                on child support especially on
               Muslim.                                                             divorced mother with children.
                                             3.  The role of Shariah court and     Amendment to the law can only
           2.  Global moderation cultivates      issues on the children’s rights   be  made possible  by  the 2/3
               the  culture  of  mutual  respect,   have been addressed critically   majority in the parliament.

                  MOU antara UIM dengan Microsoft

                     MOU antara UIM dengan GMM
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